A lot has been said about how cattle or animal rearing for the purpose of meat, adds to the carbon emissions. The methane gas emissions from cows a lot of leverage to the anti-meat. But studies indicate that farming contributes to greenhouse gases as much.
“Agriculture is widely believed to be one of the main causes of deforestation. Around the world, forests are giving way to plantations for oil palm, soy, rubber, coffee, tea, and rice among many other crops.” – Excerpt from Panda.org
To feed the stomachs of all the vegetarians it is being suggested that the rest of the meating eating population give up meat. Some may up with statistics saying that cattle rearing contributes comparatively more to global warming but saving the environment is not just about statistics. Deforestation is also a major concern and since forests are being converted to farmlands, vegans are also equally responsible for the wanton destruction of our environment.
Blaming the cows for farting or all meat eaters seems illogical. Rather than finding flimsy reasons, what needs to be understood is that 'over-exploitation fueled by greed' be it animal rearing or deforestation or mining or fishing; is the root cause of environmental issues faced today.
Cows are vegans too...and you can see the ruckus they are creating. The best solution might be cannibalism because humans seem to be the biggest problem as of today. Rearing will not be an issue since the population is already exploding. Oh wait a minute...we invented terrorism already!