Photo courtesy: The SUN UK (all credits and copyrights to this image is sole property of SUN UK and the rightful owner. The author takes no credit for the same.)
Now lets take a good at the ad. The ad starts of with this guy who sprays the new Axe Dark Temptation on him. Suddenly he changes into a Chocolate man who is like the favorite chocolate boy for all women around him. They can't stop themselves from biting of body parts off him.
So why is the senseless? Here goes:
- The Chocolate man is plain creepy with his stupid grin and big eyes. Period.
- Girls and Women are generally very wary about eating chocolates lest it affect their figure
The creepiest part of the ad is the time the girl plucks his hand as she drives away. Does it imply that the man will go out on/off a limb for impressing the girls? Will body parts start falling apart if you use this deo?
Was it worth banning the ad? Maybe, but not for vulgarity, but for being absolutely senseless! You can watch the ad here