A recent article in the Times of India , suggested that the 'Wisdom' teeth is on its way to extinction. No, not extraction...but extinction.
The evolution of humans has made jaws smaller as compared to the apish longer jaws of our ancestors. This has resulted in over-crowding of our mouth. Therefore, the wisdom teeth is finding lesser and lesser space to fit it. The recent patterns suggest that wisdom tooth is on its way to be extinct like many of our other vestigial organs.
It is as if evolution is sending a message...stop exploding your population or humans will be extracted too.
Its interesting how evolution has been slowly erasing the different body parts that seems redundant. Humans and animals are experiencing this incredible power of evolution and slowly the species is driven towards the most adaptable form that is the need of the moment.
I wonder if this phenomenon will slowly make a number of organs extinct as we know it. The beard or facial hair (also body hair), is something humans spend a lot of time removing. May be this is next in line to go.
One theory (by the author himself) is that the evolutionary chain is actually a cycle and not a chain. This means the evolution of species will continue towards a perfect form till it comes back to being a single celled micro-organism by process of 'Evolutionary Minuses'.
You can read the Times article here